One kindness could be the beginning of a whole new perspective.


What does it mean to be Kind?

Kindness.  An outward exemplification of positive expression in thought or deed, for the benefit of the receiver and fulfillment of the giver.  
It can begin anywhere..... 

Latest topics

Let Kindness Begin

Where does it all start?  Where do I start? 

Be Kind to Yourself

Today you matter!  Everyday you matter!  

One Thing at a Kind

It only takes one thing - one kindness to plant the seed...

The Other Shoes

7 Ways to show kindess through empathy.

The Mission

To promote the awareness
of kindness
within one's self. hopes to help others understand kindness is an innate virtue instilled in all of us.  We aim to show kindness can be used as a bridge between self and others - and facilitate trust.  

Kindness All Around


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