One kindness could be the beginning of a whole new perspective.

First Things First

Let Kindness begin

Kindness.  Where does it all start?  Where do I start?
Have no fear, let us share some ideas with you...  

The one thing about being kind, no matter what the past has been, being kind holds no grudges. 
If you are a person who struggles in this area, do not lose heart  As with anything, it has to start somewhere, right?
Why not let it start right now, today, this minute!

1. What are you waiting for?

Sometimes we all have a tendency to put a checklist on an action we are unsure of.  It might be out of fear.  It might be out of procrastination.  Or maybe we really don't know how to move forward.  If you are waiting for the perfect moment, it may be that every moment is perfect.  Have you ever heard the old saying, 'Don't put off until tomorrow, if it is something you can do today'?  Why wait?  You could be missing your golden opportunity.


2. The only thing holding you back is You.

Self-Check time.  Take time for self-reflaction in order to move insignificant obstacles out of your way.  Get rid of excuses.  Get rid of the fear of failure.  Embrace the beginning of a journey filled with internal rewards.  Set yourself up for success.


3. Never despise meager beginnings.

Everything has a beginning.  Every kindness needs to start somewhere and with someone.  Let that person be you.

4. Start small and let it grow.
It is hard to believe that even the tiny mustard seed will grow into a tree up to 30 feet high, and its branches can span from 20 to 30 feet!  Your first kindness doesn't have to be a large, earth shattering event.  The best are the small, suttle acts which can make a positive, long-lasting difference.

5. You don't need to reinvent the wheel.
Look for ways to incorporate acts of kindness with things you already do everyday.  For example, if a co-worker is having their car repaired, offer to pick them up and take them to work - especially if their house is on the way. 
Another example, if you made too much food for supper, pack up the leftovers and take them to a neighbor that you know is struggling.

6. No need to break the bank. 
Acts of kindness doesn't have to cost anything.  Helping an elderly neighbor with their lawn, helping a sibling with their homework, or offering to take on an extra task for your significant other because they are super busy are just a few ways to promote kindness without spending any money.

7.  Don't forget about being kind to yourself.
Begin to be kind to yourself.  It may not be in action or deed, but it could be in thought.  Give yourself some mind space to process difficult information, or to forgive yourself for speaking to someone harshly.  How can one apologize to another if they can't even forgive themselves?

The beginning of kindness can take on so many different forms.  Some will work, some will not.  But be encouraged.  You will find your way to a new way of being kind to yourself and others.