One kindness could be the beginning of a whole new perspective.

First Things First

One Thing at a Kind

Kindness.  Where does it all start?  Where do I start?
Have no fear, let us share some ideas with you...  


The one thing about being kind, no matter what the past has been, being kind holds no grudges.  

If you are person who struggles in this area, do not lose heart.  As with anything, it has to start somewhere, right?

Why not let it start right now, today, this minute!  

1. What are you waiting for?

You know the old saying, "Don't put it off until tomorrow, if is it something you can do today." Why wait?  You could be missing a golden opportunity. 

2. The only thing holding you back is You.

3. Never despise meager beginnings.

4. Start small and grow.

5. Thoughts or Acts?

6. Inside or Outside?